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Sponsors are the organizations, entities willing to sponsor the team leagues.

You can see the status of sponsors (Active/Inactive) in the Edit League > Sponsors section.

Team League Sponsors page

Add New Sponsor

If your team league is getting sponsored by an organization or entity, you can manually add the Sponsor.

The said sponsor will be visible when viewing the team league’s details.

To add a new sponsor, navigate to Team League > Edit League > Sponsors:

  1. Click on the Add New Sponsor option.

  2. There are multiple levels to sponsors, choose the Sponsor’s level from the Level dropdown.

    Team League Sponsor Levels

  3. Click on Click to Upload to upload Sponsor’s logo in the Upload Sponsor Logo section. Select the image from your device/PC, edit it according to requirements then click on Done.

  4. Enter Sponsor’s title in the Title area.

  5. Enter Sponsor’s business or website or social media channel’s link in the URL area. Users can visit the given URL to know more about the Sponsor.

  6. Enter the sponsored amount in the Amount area.

  7. Enter Sponsor’s tagline in the Tagline area.

  8. Click on Save to save the entered Sponsor. On successful creating a sponsor, you’ll receive a success notification on top of the screen, the team league’s sponsor is now added successfully. You can see the added Sponsor in the Sponsor’s Active section.

  • You can only upload SVG, PNG, or JPG, image files to about Image.
  • Sponsor’s Title should be up to 100 words.
  • Sponsor’s Tagline should be up to 120 words.
  • Sponsor’s URL link should follow the common URL practise –

Active Sponsor

Active sponsors show the sponsors with an active status.

You can find more details about an active sponsor in the Edit League > Sponsors > Active section.

In the Active section, you can see the Sponsor’s name, Sponsor’s link/website, Sponsor’s Tagline, Sponsor’s monetary contribution, Sponsor’s Level, etc.

Team League Active Sponsors

Edit an Active Sponsor

You can change an active Sponsor’s details, which allows you to change almost all the previous details of the sponsor.

You can change/edit the Sponsor’s Level, Logo, Title, URL, Amount, and Tagline.

To edit an active sponsor, navigate to Team League > Edit League > Sponsors:

  1. Click on the three dots (⋮) option on the Active Sponsor you want to edit. It’ll give you three options – Edit, Disable, Delete.
  2. Click on Edit to edit the Sponsor details. Once clicked, it’ll take you to a new page.
  3. Edit the details you want to change for the Active Sponsor. Then, click on Save to save the new details. On successful edit, you’ll receive a success notification on top of the screen, the team league’s active sponsor’s new details are now updated successfully. You can see the changes reflect in the Sponsor’s Active section.

Disable an Active Sponsor

You can disable an active Sponsor in case you don’t want them to appear or be part of the selected Team League.

Once disabled, the Sponsor will no longer be associated with the selected Team League. Proceed with caution.

To disable an active sponsor, navigate to Team League > Edit League > Sponsors:

  1. Click on the three dots (⋮) option on the Active Sponsor you want to disable. It’ll give you three options – Edit, Disable, Delete.

  2. Click on Disable to disable the Active Sponsor. Once clicked, you’ll get a pop-up window – Disable Sponsor – asking whether you want to disable the sponsor or not?

    Team League Disable Sponsor

  3. Click on Disable to proceed with disabling the selected Sponsor. (Click on Cancel to go back to the previous window. It’ll not disable the Sponsor).

  4. On successful Sponsor disable, you’ll receive a success notification on top of the screen, the team league’s active sponsor is now disabled successfully. You can see the changes reflect in the Sponsor’s section. The disabled sponsor will be moved to the Inactive section.

  • Disabling an Active Sponsor will move them to the Inactive Sponsor section.

  • You can still enable the Disabled Sponsor from the Inactive Sponsor section.

Delete an Active Sponsor

You can delete an active Sponsor in case you don’t want them to appear or be part of the selected Team League and its records.

Once deleted, the Sponsor will be removed from the Team League’s database/records permanently.

To delete an active sponsor, navigate to Team League > Edit League > Sponsors:

  1. Click on the three dots (⋮) option on the Active Sponsor you want to delete. It’ll give you three options – Edit, Disable, Delete.

  2. Click on Delete to delete the Active Sponsor. Once clicked, you’ll get a pop-up window – Delete Sponsor – asking whether you want to delete the sponsor or not?

    Team League Delete Sponsor

  3. Click on Delete to proceed with deleting the selected Sponsor. (Click on Cancel to go back to the previous window. Selecting this option will not delete the Sponsor).

  4. On successfully deleting the Sponsor, you’ll receive a success notification on top of the screen, the team league’s selected active sponsor is now deleted successfully. You can see the changes reflect in the Sponsor’s section. There won’t be any records of the deleted sponsor in the Team Leagues.


Deleting an Active Sponsor will permanently remove them from the Team League’s records/database.

You can’t get the records back once the Sponsor is deleted. Proceed with Caution.

Inactive Sponsor

Inactive sponsors show the sponsors with an inactive status.

You can find more details about an inactive sponsor in the Edit League > Sponsors > Inactive section.

In the Inactive section, you can see the Sponsor’s name, Sponsor’s link/website, Sponsor’s Tagline, Sponsor’s monetary contribution, Sponsor’s Level, etc.

Team League Inactive Sponsor

Edit an Inactive Sponsor

You can change an Inactive Sponsor’s details, which allows you to change almost all the previous details of the sponsor.

You can change/edit the Sponsor’s Level, Logo, Title, URL, Amount, and Tagline.

To edit an inactive sponsor, navigate to Team League > Edit League > Sponsors:

  1. Click on the three dots (⋮) option on the Inactive Sponsor you want to edit. It’ll give you three options – Edit, Enable, Delete.
  2. Click on Edit to edit the Sponsor details. Once clicked, it’ll take you to a new page.
  3. Edit the details you want to change for the Inactive Sponsor. Then, click on Save to save the new details. On successful edit, you’ll receive a success notification on top of the screen, the team league’s selected inactive sponsor’s new details are now updated successfully. You can see the changes reflect in the Sponsor’s Inactive section.

Enable an Inactive Sponsor

You can enable an Inactive Sponsor in case you want them to appear or be part of the selected Team League again.

Once enabled, the Sponsor will once again be associated with the selected Team League.

To enable an inactive sponsor, navigate to Team League > Edit League > Sponsors:

  1. Click on the three dots (⋮) option on the Inactive Sponsor you want to enable. It’ll give you three options – Edit, Enable, Delete.
  2. Click on Enable to enable the Inactive Sponsor. Once clicked, you’ll get a pop-up window – Enable Sponsor – asking whether you want to enable the sponsor or not?
  3. Click on Enable to proceed with enabling the selected Sponsor. (Click on Cancel to go back to the previous window. It’ll not enable the Sponsor).
  4. On successfully enabling the selected Sponsor, you’ll receive a success notification on top of the screen, the team league’s selected inactive sponsor is now enabled successfully. You can see the changes reflect in the Sponsor’s section. The enabled sponsor will be moved to the Active section.

Delete an Inactive Sponsor

You can also delete an Inactive Sponsor in case you don’t want them to appear or be part of the selected Team League and its records.

Once deleted, the Sponsor will be removed from the Team League’s database/records permanently.

To delete an inactive sponsor, navigate to Team League > Edit League > Sponsors:

  1. Click on the three dots (⋮) option on the Inactive Sponsor you want to delete. It’ll give you three options – Edit, Enable, Delete.

  2. Click on Delete to delete the Inactive Sponsor. Once clicked, you’ll get a pop-up window – Delete Sponsor – asking whether you want to delete the sponsor or not?

    Team League Delete Sponsor

  3. Click on Delete to proceed with deleting the selected Sponsor. (Click on Cancel to go back to the previous window. Selecting this option will not delete the Sponsor).

  4. On successful deletion, you’ll receive a success notification on top of the screen, the team league’s selected inactive sponsor is now deleted successfully. You can see the changes reflect in the Sponsor’s section. There won’t be any records of the deleted sponsor in the Team Leagues.

  • Deleting an Inactive Sponsor will permanently remove them from the Team League’s records/database.

  • You can’t get the records back once the Sponsor is deleted. Proceed with Caution.